Sunday, March 30, 2014

Global Warming

The first time, that I remember, that I became aware of global warming was between the 7th and 8th grades, like at 13 years old. By then, I had seen a map on National Geographic that illustrated how the polar caps had melted through the years thanks to this phenomenon. I remembered I was impressed, though not so worried. I saw another image in a book that showed how high the sea level would be had all the ice on Earth melted…it would cover the Statue of Liberty, something like that. Later, the film “The Day After Tomorrow” became suuuuuper popular, coming out around that time. It talked about the proximity of the next Ice Age. Man, so Hollywood. I remember seeing wolves running through New York City…RANDOM event for a movie like that. Please. A professional who came to my school to talk about the 2006 tsunami in Indonesia mentioned that the film’s theories were pure fiction, super exaggerated. After that, I don’t recall any other global warming highlight in my life. I thought either the issue is not as serious as before, or people got tired of worrying over it. Anyhow, though I frankly don’t have environmental issues on my priority list, I DO recognize that it is not right to abuse of nature in any way. We will pay for it if we do. By harming nature, we harm ourselves, since we depend on it; thus, it makes no sense to do so. For now, I cooperate trying to use just the necessary amount from nature’s resources. 

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