Sunday, March 23, 2014

Fatal love

The truth was that Aria was in love with the sea.
 There was no doubt about that. Aria would spend hours swimming, losing track of time. She loved the sunset reflected on the sea, making every aspect of life seem more interesting when she reflected watching it. The water interacting with her skin felt like a soft caress; she felt loved and attended every time she got in the water. Little did she know, the sea fell in love with Aria as well.
            The sea saw itself in her eyes. Those turquoise eyes… He couldn't stand the look that Aria gave him, without shoving her a wave to her toes, inviting her to get in the water. She understood the message every time, and pleased him afterwards.
This went on for a while, until Samuel came into her life. Those caresses felt warmer, those words sounded more legible and that love more reciprocated. Of course the sea got furious; he wasn't going to share his Aria with that fisherman.
“Is my Aria blind?” the sea asked himself. How could she prefer some weak, ordinary fisherman when she could pick the greatest water body in the world? He gave life, he possessed life, he manipulated life… he took life.
The fisherman Samuel did not know what he had gotten himself into, for the sea was his boss and he took his woman. Just like that, the sea took revenge; one morning, he sank Samuel’s ship drowning him afterwards. Aria saw all this, and she swum to her lover. The sea couldn't get enough of Samuel’s death; he kept shoving waves at him not noticing that Aria was on her way to the scene. It was too late when he did, for he had already drowned her as well.
 The sea fell into despair, while he felt Aria’s lifeless body fall into the deep. He embraced her; hopeless, regretful. A storm following by, as a shout from the sea revealing the agony of murdering his one true love.