Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Friendly Bunnies

                                Last year, my dear grandmother was given two new bunnies for companions. I love bunnies, since I used to own a couple long ago, and they were a big part of my childhood. That’s why I got excited over my Grandma’s new pets. They were a male and a female; we called the male Poi and the female Pia. Poi was really calm and tame, he’d let you carry him without a fuss, but Pia was a nervous wreck! She was too fearful. However, I liked that challenge and wanted to befriend her, try and show her that there was nothing to fear. So each time I picked her up, I wouldn’t pet her, let her roam on my lap. When I let her out, I wouldn’t follow her, except when I had to put her back on the cage. But what really allowed me to gain some of her confidence was the key to any animal’s: FOOD. These two bunnies were some real fatsos. So one time while they were running about, I crouched a little far from Pia and stretched out my arm towards her with a piece of lettuce, which she really liked. She approached and happily munched on it from my hand without fear. Next I held out pieces of the typical food bunnies are always given, and again she ate from my hand without a problem. It was a very nice moment. I really do enjoy friendly encounters with these kinds of harmless animals. 

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