Sunday, March 27, 2016

Friendly Encounter




One of my favorite moments in the gospel features Christ making a surprise appearance shortly after his resurrection. In the last chapter of the book of Luke, Jesus appears to a couple of disciples walking to Jerusalem.  They were discussing the recent crucifixion of Jeshua of Nazareth, and The Christ Himself asks them what the heck they were talking about.  Incredulously, they recollect the rise and apparent fall of the supposed Christ, He who was to be the King of the Jews.  They walked all the way home without recognizing Jesus, recounting the events and miracles of the Messiah.  As they sat down to dinner Christ broke bread.  It was at this instant that they immediately recognized Him, and just as quickly he disappeared.

I like to think that he was purposefully messing with them the whole time for fun.

It shows a temperament and humor to Christ. While Jesus in pop culture is often oh-so-perfect and precise, people forget that His perfection came from his lack of sin, not lack of humanity.  He wasn’t some boring robot with nice things to say, He had an attitude, He would get upset, angry, He would mourn and scream just like anyone else.  The gospels show a Jesus who was patient with those who truly wanted to be better, but would take no crap from those who were trying to trick Him.  He’d sass and snap back at pretentious scholars and tax collectors, often interrupting people and taking the podium to speak His mind.  He’d read out scripture of the prophets and would finish by letting listeners know that He was the prophecy come true. HE WAS A MASTER OF THE MIC DROP BEFORE IT WAS A THING.

This whole rant is to show that often both Christians and non-Christians forget about Christ’s humanity in his divine actions, and then wonder why it is that they have a hard time relating to the guy.

ALSO if I ever do my drama series/comic of Jesus’s life, instead of a resurrection I want to keep the audience guessing until the last minute, and then end with this scene.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Friendly Bunnies

                                Last year, my dear grandmother was given two new bunnies for companions. I love bunnies, since I used to own a couple long ago, and they were a big part of my childhood. That’s why I got excited over my Grandma’s new pets. They were a male and a female; we called the male Poi and the female Pia. Poi was really calm and tame, he’d let you carry him without a fuss, but Pia was a nervous wreck! She was too fearful. However, I liked that challenge and wanted to befriend her, try and show her that there was nothing to fear. So each time I picked her up, I wouldn’t pet her, let her roam on my lap. When I let her out, I wouldn’t follow her, except when I had to put her back on the cage. But what really allowed me to gain some of her confidence was the key to any animal’s: FOOD. These two bunnies were some real fatsos. So one time while they were running about, I crouched a little far from Pia and stretched out my arm towards her with a piece of lettuce, which she really liked. She approached and happily munched on it from my hand without fear. Next I held out pieces of the typical food bunnies are always given, and again she ate from my hand without a problem. It was a very nice moment. I really do enjoy friendly encounters with these kinds of harmless animals.