The day before yesterday I went to my dad’s house to stay for a couple of days. When the night came, I searched in my backpack for my contact lenses’ case and lotion… and it wasn’t there. All of those who wear contact lenses know that one does not simply put the lenses on water; it will stick to your pupil and you’ll die.
Anyways, I had to do that. There was no way I was going
to sleep with them on that night. So I wake up the next day, and blindly do my
morning routine. I get some breakfast, I study (didn’t have class), watch a bit
of History Channel, continue reading, walk a bit to feel the sun, go home, take
a bath… Dad came home with my brothers, food and the lotion. I go to the car,
get the lotion, go upstairs……….
The glass of water is gone.
“Oh, no. Someone threw the water away thinking it was
a misplaced glass of water” I thought, and I was right. I asked everyone in the
house and no one knew about it.
I went outside completely upset. I lost that new pair,
and I’m far from home to get my pair or glasses for that matter… and I’m
practically blind without those. How would I go to class the next day? I was
planning to go to the movies for crying out loud! I’m working on Friday and Saturday,
signing in the chorus Saturday night and only THEN I was going home. I didn’t
have my car with me (‘cause I had to pay a ticket before I could get it back),
and if I did I couldn’t drive it without seeing.
So I’m lying on a bench looking at the sky lamenting
myself, when my dad pokes me.
“I…looked on the sink for the lenses, and found them.I
cleansed them as much as I could and put them in the case”
I looked at him like :/ and felt warmth. I felt like a
child went to me to tell me he had just dedicated a poem to me, or brought me a
drawing of our family. I just love my dad, he was trying to make me happy. The
lenses were probably just filled with bacteria, but I felt so grateful… and
So today I woke up, I cleansed them once more and put
them on. And now I’m at a computer in the Pedagogy building writing about this
with my eyes completely irritated, but I arranged to go home to pick up my
glasses and I’m going to the movies then and back to my dad’s then :3
Ta da!